Unity Tutorial 04

Caption: low poly dog, ball and farmer

  • What you have learned?
I learned how to:
    ० Make the animals to keep appearing
        ० Add a Collider component
        ० Add a "Debug.Log(...)" to give the player a message (it would be nice to be able to add the message in the middle of the screen).

  • What have you enjoyed and found difficult?
- I enjoyed learning how to invoke the animals, it is very handy (I will be using it on my game to make the food to be appering).
- The Collinder component is very easy to use (perfect!).

- I found very hard to do the challenge! I got task 3 and 4 done very quickly but all the rest was took me a very long time!
As I kept on trying to understand what I was doing I did get some of the other tasks done, but task 5 (destroing off screen elements) I coundn't get it to work, my dog was appering and desappearing even before start running. Task 8 I wasn't able to even start, I have no idea how to do it.

  • What are you looking forward too?
Looking forward to actually learn :p ( kidding, but I really did have a hard time on this challenge).

Source: screenshot of my progress
Caption: work in progress on Unity 3D

Source: screenshot of my progress
Caption: work in progress on Unity 3D

Lívia Alencar
