Unity Tutorial 02

Source: screenshot from my laptop
Caption: my Ruby's world

Just like the last Unity tutorial I decided to go back one tutorial (this time the difference was just one), so that I could get the best out of it. I started on Decorating the World and I finished on World Interactions - Blocking Movements.

Honestly, I'm finding the writing tutorials somehow better than the video tutorials.

Also, I am SURE that I will end up forgetting that I need to use 2D in the Components at some stage and I will get all stressed because my project isn't working ~sad laugh

  • What you have learned?
How to draw Sprites based on their position on the y-axis (Ruby is behind the box when higher on the screen and when in front of the box when lower on the screen).
I learned about the Pivot.
I relearned how to create Prefabs.
How to fix a 2D character rotating because of the Rigidbody.
(I was supposed to understand why the character was jittering but it made no sense what so ever.)
How to create Tilemap Collider.

  • What you have enjoyed?
I really enjoyed decorating the world >.<

  • What did you find difficult?
Nothing in particular.

  • What you are looking forward too?
To get all Unity tutorials finished hahaha

Lívia Alencar
