This is the first post of Semester 2 related to the Reading Tasks, and I am quite nervous for what future holds! If it were for me, I would have got this week's task done on Thursday (or even before) but I wasn't sure how to write the post, so I decided to wait for some class mates to be done with it, so I could read the posts and then do mine.
My chosen topic was ''User Testing''. I decided to go with it because I had been working with User Testing in other modules and I had got a bit of knowledge on it, hopefully I will find a good bit of academic papers on my chosen topic.
For my search strategy I will just use a list on a Word doc and record all the links with Harvard Referencing. I will also record any quote I found along the way that I think it's interesting.
Some of the Keywords that I will use to find academic papers on User Testing include as follows: ''User Testing'', ''Game Testing'', ''Play Test'', ''Game Test'', ''Play Testing'', ''User Experience'', ''User Evaluation'', ''Blind Play Testing'', ''Game Feedback'', ''Functionality Testing'', ''Combinatory Testing'', ''General Testing'', ''Compatibility Testing'', ''Performance Testing''.
During the process I will go through of research some of the questions I will be doing are: ''Who'', ''What'', ''Where'', ''When'', ''Why'' and ''How''.
- Reflection on Library Tour:
To be honest, I had never given so much attention to our library and virtual library up until now. It was very good for me, specially now that we are going to focus more on academic papers (these two words scares me 😰). Toward the end of the tour I thought I could have been taking notes on it since the beginning because GOD! It was so much information that I don't remember half of it, I'm glad it was recorded (there goes a tip, Shaun, tell your future students they will need to take notes if they want to remember anything on the next day!).
Lívia Alencar
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