
Source: screenshot from my laptop

Caption: pfd of The Gamification User Types Hexad Scale

Before starting the blog post I want to add that I am feeling quite stressed with the academic papers. I start looking for papers and I feel like what I have found is just not what I should have. I don't know, maybe I'm just stressed.

My mom and I have being sharing the laptop lately since my laptop completely died and sometimes I don't get enough time on the laptop to do my college work, because of that I didn't do all the six annotated bibliographies. Hopefully in the next 30 days my new laptop will be arriving and I will be able to do any work piece at the moment I wish to do and there will be nothing interrupting me.

Annotated Bibliographies

    1. How Does It Play Better? Exploring User Testing and Biometric Storyboards in Games User Research (Pejman Mirza-Babaei, Lennart E Nacke, John Gregory, Nick Collins, Geraldine Fitzpatrick), In , ACM, 2013.


This paper focus on how the method Biometric Storyboards combided with the Classic User Test (UT) and No User Test (which only has the designer expertises) can help game developers improve the gameplay experience. The paper explains that the Biometric Storyboards are a combination of designer intentions, user experience evaluations and player reactions and indicates that a game designed with the BioSts (Biometric Storyboards)  method results in a better perceived gameplay quality and provoke more subtle changes to games mechanics. It clarifies how the BioSts function, how to be implemented and it`s three parts, the intended player experienc graph, the player`s input view and the GUR view. They conclueded that using either Classic UT or BioSts UT will improve the gameplay.

    2. The Gamification User Types Hexad Scale (Gustavo Tondello, Rina Wehbe, Lisa Diamond, Marc Busch, Andrzej Marczewski and Lennart Nacke), ACM, 2016.


Hexad is a gamification user type model that attemps mapping personalities but lacks a standard procedure to assess user preferences. It's developer is Marczewski he based on research on human motivation, player types and pratical design experience. Correlations were found between Hexad user type and the corresponding game design elements, which confirmed the usefulness of the Hexad model to personalize games.

Lívia Alencar
