Source: Unity Learn
Caption: scene from lesson 5.1 on Unity
- What you have learned?
I learned how to:
० Toss objects into the air
० Destroy an object by clicking on it
० Use "OnMouseDown"
० Add score to objects when distroyed
० Add different values to different assets
० Show "Game Over" text when good objects get out of the scene
० Add a reset button
० Reload a scene
I learned about:
० Torque (which is used to apply force to an object to rotate)
० The gear icon, it appears on C# scripts to help identify that we use control different settings of the game
० Lists, which are "extremely similar to an array, but we can pass it in the type of thing that we want"
० While loop, which is a fusion between a for loop and an if statement. While loop execute the code continuously
० "TextMeshPro" is used to add different user interface or UI elements adding text to the game
० Change text, text size and so on in "TextMeshPro"
० "Anchor Points" so when the screen is resized the text will always appear in the same spot
I learned that:
० The order of the code can matter a lot
- What have you enjoyed and found difficult?
- I really liked learning how to add text ("TextMeshPro")
- I reallyyy enjoyed learning how to restart a game, it is so niiice hihihih
- There wasn't anythingparticularlly difficult on lesson 5.1 till 5.3, just a lot of new things to learn and absorb
- What are you looking forward to?
To have my game done *-* :'(
Source: screenshot of my progress
Caption: work in progress on Unity 3D
Source: screenshot of my progress
Caption: work in progress on Unity 3D
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