
Caption: Unity's logo and name

I have been trying to add animation to the player for so long now but it just won't work, it's not even showing any problem on the Console panel! And I can't get the food to be collected (disappearer), I have tried everything in there, I have watched all lesson 4 trying to understand what is going on but I have all the correct code, nothing is wrong.

Honestly, at the moment I'm not even sure what to do, I'm so frustrated with these things. I have tried many YouTube tutorials and Unity Forum/Learn/Answers and nothing works. Because of this I had no progress this time...

So far this is what I have done:

        ० I created a box collider for the player
        ० I applied player controller script into the player
        ० I created a box collider for all the foods
        ० I added a rotation script for all the foods (to give that gameish effect for them)
        ० I created an empty to store the food assets
        ० I created an empty to store assets related to the restaurant
        ० I created an empty to store extra assets, such as decorations
        ० I have done most of the layout
        ० I created FollowPlayer script (so that the camera can follow the player)
        ० I applied Horizontal and Vertical Input on the PlayerController script
        ० I applied a Speed and Turn Speed on the PlayerController script
        ० I made the player rotate
        ० I created an empty named SpawnManager and a script also called SpawnManager to attach to it
        ० I worked a little bit on the SpawnManager script
        ० I created a Prefabs folder
        ० I added a background music

The next time I work on my game this is what I plain on doing:

        ० Creating the adversary and a script for it
        ० Create the script for the food and develop
        ० Add sound effect for when food is collected
        ० Add animation to the player (I tried to do it this again this week but it wasn't working :'(  )

Lívia Alencar


  1. Hi Livia!
    Hope you're doing well!! After reading your blog about your game, I don't agree when you said that you didn't do much progress because from what I've seen, you listed so many things there of what you've done. It's okay if one thing does not work as you have accomplished so many things for your game alreadyyy. I totally can relate with your frustration as it happens to mine as well. I'm not able to get my play to move smoothly and I tried everything!

    I hope that you were able to fix the problem in your game before we finished this semester! I also wish you luck for our last week of this semester!!


  2. Hi Livia! I'm sorry to hear that you're having some trouble. I'm also having some issues that i don't know how to fix but I guess that's part of learning how to develop games. I would've suggested looking at past tutorials or youtube tutorials but it looks like that's already something you've done. I'm sorry that I don't know how to help you but hopefully someone else will or maybe you'll be able to eventually figure it out by yourself! It seems like you have a good bit done and it's good to see that you have an idea of what you plan to do next!

  3. Hi Livia, It's a shame that you're having trouble with your game! I understand how frustrating it is when your code is correct but Unity just won't cooperate with you. You've got loads of progress so you have nothing to worry about I'm sure you'll figure it out in the end! Good luck with the rest of your game development. :)
    - Lauren


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