Unity Tutorial 07

Source: Unity Learn
Caption: balls falling from rock/mountain
  • What you have learned?
I learned how to:
        ० Create a sphere
        ० Make an element follow the player
        ० Elements bounce on each other
        ० Make a powerup and indicator disappear after and certain amout of time

I learned about:
        ० The texture wraps
        ० Camera as a child object

I learned that:
        ० Void functions are used for a specific task that you do not need to return a value
  • What have you enjoyed and found difficult?
- I enjoyed rotating the camera and moving the ball around all at once (tricky hihihi)
- It was nice to set an element to follow another one!

- There was nothing specifically difficult on the lessons for today
  • What are you looking forward too?

To work on my game hihihi I’m having fun with it so far. Just hoping I don’t get stuck on something and I can’t fix it ~sad laugh. Some of the things I learned today are extremely important in a game and, honestly, I will try and see if I can fit any of them in my game (GDD, here I go again).

Source: screenshot of my progress
Caption: work in progress on Unity 3D

Source: screenshot of my progress
Caption: work in progress on Unity 3D

Lívia Alencar
