Unity Tutorial 06

Caption: a low poly balloon flying towards a dollar sign

  • What you have learned?
I learned how to:
        ० Add sound effect to a game
        ० Add music to a game
        ० Add particle effect
        ० Stop the particle and soud effects

I learned that:
        ० On the Camera, it already come with a audio listener.
  • What have you enjoyed and found difficult?
- I had a bit of difficulty on the challenge 3, actually the only thing that I didn't really have problems with was task 6, for all the other tasks I had to go for the hints section.

- When I added the smoke effect, for some reason, it wasn't working, I spent a very good time trying to figure out why it wasn't working but happily I figured the reason, I didn't drag the explosion particle into the script of the player (in the data sort of thing of the player). This probably was the only moment on lesson 3.4 that I have any difficulty.
  • What are you looking forward too?

To be able to create my game with no problems hahahah and add sound to my game >.<

Source: screenshot of my progress
Caption: work in progress on Unity 3D

Source: screenshot of my progress
Caption: work in progress on Unity 3D

Lívia Alencar
