Unity Tutorial 05

Source: Unity Learn
Caption: a low poly person jumping over wooden boxes in a florest

  • What you have learned?
I learned how to:
        ० Sprite Renderer is used to "actually see that image in our scene".
        ० Bool is a value that holds true or false.
        ० Make the character jump.
        ० Make the character not rotate or move on the x and z axis when hitting something.
        ० Connect one script to another.

I learned about the:
        ० Animation controller (I'm sooooo gonna add that to my game hihihi).

I learned that:
        ० When two equal signs are used, one right after the other, it means it is equal instead of setting it to an affimation (true or false).
  • What have you enjoyed and found difficult?
- I enjoyed all the three tutorials, particularly how to make the character jump with the animator controller.

- Nothing particularly difficult, although I know that when I'm doing it on my own, with no help from a video, I'm gonna have a big problem hahahaaha
  • What are you looking forward too?

Looking forward to add everything I learned into my game >.< and to add sound on the game!!

Source: screenshot of my progress
Caption: work in progress on Unity 3D

Source: screenshot of my progress
Caption: work in progress on Unity 3D

Lívia Alencar
