Growth Mindset: Original Thinkers

Source: TED Talks
Caption: Adam Grant on his TED Talk

From times to times I watch TED Talks (I have being trying to make this a habit recently) and when I started watching the video I realised I have already watched it, but I remembered I really enjoyed the Talk and I kept watching (why not do it and maybe get some "new" information that a have forgotten).

  • What is at least one thing that the article CONFIRMED for you that you knew already?
I already knew that Leonardo da Vinci took 16 years to finish Mona Lisa.
"First-mover advantage is mostly a myth".
The term "Vuja De", which is, when you look at somehting you have seen many times and all of sudden you see it with fresh eyes.
  • What is at least one NEW thing that you learned that you didn't know before?
In a survey with companies it was discovered that precrastinators, who rush in and do everything early are rated as less creative than people who procrastinate moderately.
I didn't know that Martin Luther King, Jr spent so much time writing one of the most important speeches in history, specially that before going on stage he was still re-writing it. And that "I have a dream" was not in the script.
I didn't know that Thomas Edison created the talking doll's

Source: Pinterest
Caption: creativity vs pre-cratinators/procratinators graphic of best ideas

  • What is at least one thing you are now CURIOUS to explore (i. e. something you want to try in your life, something you want to research and learn more about, etc.)

There was one phrase Adam Grant said that I found interesting, that you don't need to be first to come up with an idea or to put it in action. He used Facebook and Google as examples, both companies weren't the first on their area but they improved others companies idea and became the biggest on their filed.

You call it procrastinating. 

I call it thinking

                                - Aaron Sorkin

Here is the video of the TED Talk with Adam Grant:


Lívia Alencar
