
Caption: untiy name

As last week I had some troubles with the internet I couldn't get done all of I had planned and this week was very busy so I have decided that I will let go of one or two tasks next week so I can have more time to get more stuff done for the game.

I didn't do much of a progress this time because of the kitchen's layout. It took so long, especially because when I was about to finish it I had to resize all of the assets in the kitchen, I noticed a part of the inner structure is way smaller; looking at the bright side, now I have more running space. I spent over 3 hours doing only this 😪

This is what I did this week:

        ० I finished with the kitchen's layout
        ० I created an empty named Kitchen to store all of the kitchen's assets
        ० I added a sky

So far this is what I have done:

        ० I created a box collider for the player
        ० I applied player controller script into the player
        ० I created a box collider for all the foods
        ० I added a rotation script for all the foods (to give that gameish effect for them)
        ० I created an empty to store the food assets
        ० I created an empty to store assets related to the restaurant
        ० I created an empty to store extra assets, such as decorations
        ० I have done most of the layout
        ० I created FollowPlayer script (so that the camera can follow the player)
        ० I applied Horizontal and Vertical Input on the PlayerController script
        ० I applied a Speed and Turn Speed on the PlayerController script
        ० I made the player rotate
        ० I created an empty named SpawnManager and a script also called SpawnManager to attach to it
        ० I worked a little bit on the SpawnManager script
        ० I created a Prefabs folder
        ० I added a background music

The next time I work on my game this is what I plain on doing:

        ० Creating the adversary and a script for it
        ० Create the script for the food and develop
        ० Add sound effect for when food is collected
        ० Add animation to the player (I tried to do it this again this week but it wasn't working :'(  )

Source: screenshot of my progress
Caption: resizing kitchen assets

Source: screenshot of my progress
Caption: kitchen finished

Lívia Alencar


  1. Hi Liviaaa!
    How are youuuu?
    It's been so long since the last time that I comment on your blog~
    I remembered how it looked like when you were just starting your game and I am very impressed and proud of youuu because your game is looking really good! When you said that you did not do much for this week, I disagree! Because as I've read the list of the things that you've done, they're actually a lot. I hope you're not feeling too stressed with the game project (even though I am also stressed myself hahaha).

    What I like with your game is that the theme is very Christmas(y)and I love it! It makes me want Christmas to come already. I also love that kitchen room you have designed. It makes me feel the efforts that you invested! I can't wait for your game to be finished and I hope I am able to play it!

  2. Hi Livia, it's Aoibhe. I hope you are doing well. I just had a read through your project blog and wow, your game looks so good!! Well done, I can see the work that you have put into your game. I love how your game looks from the screenshots that you inserted in this blog. It looks like you have so much done already! I wonder what kind of sound/music you will have in game,I agree with Flosie's comment above where she says your game is very Christmasy !! What if you add Christmas instrumental music and Christmas sound effects. I really look forward to playing your game. - Aoibhe

  3. Hey Livia looks like you got a good game going for you.. Great to see you have figured out your code, probably the hardest part about this project is the coding, so I understand the struggle, but really well done. I hope to see next week that you have finished that you planned out finished and finally see the finished project when you present your game.

  4. Hi Livia! Wow your game looks great! You've done so much with it, it's so obvious how much work you've put in! Don't be feeling stressed you're doing great!! I'm going to agree with Flosie and Aoibhe! Major Christmas vibes I LOVE IT! I would love to play your games! Best of luck with the rest of your game :) -Megan

  5. Hi Livia! Your game looks magical so far and I want to play it asap. There's so much you've done and I love how you bullet pointed your progress since it's really easy for me to read. Your game looks very professionally made and I'm extremely impressed. Do you have any music that you've implemented in your game and what genre is the music? It should be very relaxing and soft if you haven't. I honestly have no other feedback to give because you've really outdone yourself. Do you have any other sound effects you've put in, I honestly think the little scanner beeps would be perfect. Anyway best of luck!- Anna Zurawska


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