Source: Unsplash
Caption: two elderly playing chest
- What is a game?
A game involves a player decision, looking for an objective, an outcome and following a set of rules. There is a total of four properties in a game: rules, interactions, conflict and safety.
- The players need to get from one en of the path to the other, why?
To get different recipes in different levels.
- Are you running away or running towards something?
Running towards something.
- What are the players represented as in the game?
A person (chef).
- What is theirs goal?
Get the recipe at the end.
- How do you move?
Roll a die on your turn and move that many spaces forward.
- How the game ends, do you have to land on the final space by exact count or does the game ends as soon as a player reaches or passes it?
By the exact count.
- Does something happen when you land on the same space as them?
You need to go back 5 numbers/spaces.
- Are there spaces you land on that let you do things to your opponents, such as move them forward or back?
Every 25 numbers/spaces there is a space where you can make your opponent go back 30 numbers/spaces.
- Can you move your opponents through other means on your turn (such as if you roll a certain result on the die)?
Source: a screenshot I made
Caption: my understanding of the first questions at the end of this link
Links I read for this post:
Lívia Alencar
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